FBA 17

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FBA 17

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Barry, 14.01.2016 14:59

This training flying boat, designed by Louis Shreck, first flew in April 1923. Over 300 of the basic two seat HE2 model were produced. In addition there was one single seat catapult launched aircraft, 10 two seat catapult launched aircraft, 37 two seat amphibious models plus 2 four seat amphibious aircraft as well as 35 four seat transport aircraft. The majority were used by the French navy, but some were sold to the Polish Navy, the Brazilian air force and navy as well as some civil operators. The U.S. Coast Guard purchased one and then had ten licensed built by the Viking Flying Boat Company, in service they were known as the Viking 00 and continued in service until 1939.
Engine (HE2) Hispano Suiza 8ac developing 180 h.p.
Span 42'3" Length 29'4" Height 10'6" Empty Weight 1,875 lb Gross Weight 2,480 lb
Speed 90 mph Range 200 miles


Richard Roussy, e-mail, 17.05.2013 23:06

J'aimerais construire une r�plique.
Comment me procurer des dessins de fabrication ou des photos


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