| The D.31 was Roger Druine's second post-war design following the Aigle and was intended for both production and home-build markets. Production build rights for the low-wing monoplane were acquired by Rollason Aircraft and Engine in the UK and Stark Flugzeugbau in
Germany, and both companies produced modest quantities to add to those home-built versions. Many examples remain extant.
Robert Jackson "The Encyclopedia of Aircraft", 2004
MODEL | D.31 |
CREW | 1 |
ENGINE | 1 x 45hp Ardem Mk IVmodified VW automobile piston engine |
Take-off weight | 281 kg | 620 lb |
Wingspan | 6.5 m | 21 ft 4 in |
Length | 5.23 m | 17 ft 2 in |
Cruise speed | 150 km/h | 93 mph |
Ceiling | 2740 m | 9000 ft |
E Stewart Beveridge, e-mail, 21.02.2022 15:40 1961 while in the RAF at Cranwell in Lincs we had a flying club for non commissioned personnel one of the instructors was Flt Lt Ayers who was a member of the Tiger Club and got us on loan Turbulents to build our hours up. The last one was G-ARCZ which I flew from Cranwell to Redhill on Friday August Bank Holiday Weekend. spent the night then on Saturday went to Lympne Airfield, then across the light aircraft corridor to Cap Gris Nez then landed at Beauvais Tille, cleared customs and went to Emérainville the other side Paris. Parked the plane and got a lift into town. Got overnight digs and saw the sights. I flew back to Beauvais on Sunday and after overnight, back to Cranwell via Lympne on Monday. Halfway across the channel, overhead squadrons of V Bombers were heading to Europe and I thought we’d gone to war and I was miles from my home station. Fortunately it turned out to be Operation Bear. I took photos on Transparencies but they got mouldy and virtually unusable. Sad to see G-ARCZ was written off, as it was a nice little plane. reply | Adonis Ronquillo, e-mail, 16.05.2020 18:10 If Colin Rogers sell this How much it coast? reply |
Roy Newton, e-mail, 05.10.2016 14:20 Hi Lee, Did you also fly APWP ?? Roy. reply | Lee, 05.10.2016 00:41 I think the mention of 135mph is a little exagerated but its not far off. Roy I think I remember you at Dunstable and Panshanger in JCP. reply |
| Roy Newton, e-mail, 01.10.2016 00:05 I recall Colin Rogers Turbulent, On 21 /04 /68 I flew into Dunstable gliding club in turbulent G-AJCP Got talking to Colin then he asked if I would like to fly G-APWP my log book entry 14-15 --14-45 30 mins of good fast fun,He asked me not to mention PWPs straight&leval Speed? I never did reply |
ron wolf, e-mail, 18.02.2015 20:54 I like it I'm building the stand-off scale r /c in Flying models nov.1978 magazine. reply | Leopold Goebel, e-mail, 15.09.2014 18:18 I am looking for an Druine Turbulent in good and fair condition Please made offer in Euro reply | Mike Walling, e-mail, 14.11.2011 15:28 I meant spats (not cowling) of course. reply | Mike Walling, e-mail, 14.11.2011 15:23 I know that a number of Stark Turbulents were completed in Germany in the early 1960's I believe and I've seen photos of some of them - in fact there are a number still on the German register (which I understand is now longer published?. I have never seen a write up on the STARK version which I know had a cowling and canopy. Does anyone know where such details could be obtained? reply | Bill Beeton, e-mail, 24.09.2011 05:22 I'm looking to buy a Turbulent (preferably one that needs to be completed!). Must be available in Australia ! reply | Jeff Boatright, e-mail, 28.10.2010 21:55 I am building a Turbulent and am interested in your STARK engine. What can you tell me about it? Thanks, Jeff reply | Olaf, e-mail, 26.09.2010 10:18 I have a complete STARK - engine for sale for a Turbulent or a Druine!! reply | fallen, e-mail, 22.02.2010 05:20 Looking for a set of plans? reply | sven, 05.11.2009 00:21 Several Turbulents were built with better streamlined cowlings and canopies. In this form some were able to exeed vne in level flight. Unique? G-APWP Built by Handley Page aircraft engineer Colin Rogers reached 135mph in level flight.untill the advent of formual V racing this made it the fastest Volksvagen powered aircraft .The 1200cc Poleman Hepu converted engine featured chrome plated cylinder barrels from the Porsche 356 racing engine.Cowlings that extended along the fuselage and a spring steel undercarriage mounted on the fuselage With wheel spats added to the aerodynamic efficiency.Oddly an engineers wire brush served as a tail skid. Originally it was housed in a fairing but a day at Elstrees tarmac runway destroyed it, from then on it was fitted complete with convenient handle but no fairing. reply |
| Eduardo Sosa, e-mail, 04.11.2009 16:57 where could we get one?? reply |
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Hi I am sad to say the mr Colin Rogers had past away last year me and my partner are very close friends with his wife she is now sadly selling the house and all of his possessions that are remaining and two of his planes are there at the house if you are interested please email me back with a contact number I have got in contact with one museum as it’s a price of history