Dassault M.D.452 Mystere II


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Dassault Mystere I prototype

The MD.452 Mystere was a progressive development of the basic MD.450 Ouragan, the first prototype, the Mystere I, flying on 23 February 1951. It retained the fuselage, Nene engine and armament of the MD.450, mating these elements with a new, sweptback (30 deg) wing and redesigned tail surfaces. Three further prototypes followed, these differing from their predecessor primarily in power plant, two having the 2850kg Hispano-Suiza Tay 250 and the third having a 2500kg Atar 101C. Eleven (later reduced to 10) pre-series Mystere IIs had been ordered in September 1951, and, of these, the first three and fifth were completed to the Tay-engined IIB standard, the third with twin 30mm cannon. The sixth and subsequent received a similar armament, SNECMA Atar 101C-1, -3, and later D-1 or -2 engine with revised intake trunking and rearranged fuel tanks as Mystere IICs. First six of initial order for 40 added to pre-series, the final two of these receiving the afterburning Atar 101F-2 of 3800kg. Production of a further 90 Mystere IIC fighters ordered for the Armee de l'Air, the last flying in January 1957. The series model featured increased tail sweepback, twin 30mm cannon and 2800kg Atar 101D-2 or D-3 turbojet.

Dassault M.D.452 Mystere II

  Take-off weight7460 kg16447 lb
  Loaded weight5730 kg12633 lb
  Wingspan11.33 m37 ft 2 in
  Length12.24 m40 ft 2 in
  Height4.5 m15 ft 9 in
  Wing area30.28 m2325.93 sq ft
  Max. speed1030 km/h640 mph

Dassault Mystere IIC

jean-rene cadorel, e-mail, 05.04.2011 16:13

Merci Nicolas : I stand corrected. I flew with 3 /10 "Seine", and we had a rooster on the tail.


NICOLAS, e-mail, 15.02.2011 20:33

Désolé Monsieur Cadorel mais le Mystère II "10-LJ" figurant sur la photo appartenait à l'escadron 1 /10 Parisis qui comprenait 2 escadrilles, une avec le "cheval" blanc et l'autre avec le "cheval" noir. J'ai effectué 240 heures de vol sur Mystère II au sein de l'escadron 1 /10.


a.casais, e-mail, 02.12.2010 20:58

Look the picture about is exactily a MIG-15 longer and by the time, migs were figthing over corean skies


jean-rene cadorel, e-mail, 31.07.2008 01:11

These were flying in the 10th Escadre de Chasse at Creil (near Paris) in 1956-57. the one above is from the Escadrille 2 /10 Parisis.I was flying those in the Escadrille 3 /10.


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