| Intended to meet the NATO requirement for a light tactical
fighter, the Etendard VI was flown for the first time
on 15 March 1957, three prototypes having been
ordered in July 1955. Initially, the first prototype was
powered by a 1700kg Bristol Siddeley
Orpheus BOr 1 turbojet, but this was later to be replaced
by a BOr 3 of 2200kg. Armament
consisted of four 12.7mm machine guns and up to
540kg of ordnance could be carried on wing
pylons. The second prototype, powered by the BOr 3
from the outset, had enlarged air intakes and an internal armament of two 30mm cannon, and was first
flown on 14 September 1957. Both Etendard VIs participated
in the NATO Concours at Bretigny-Chateauroux,
from which the Fiat G.91 emerged as the winning contender.
Construction of the third prototype, which was
to have had a 2700kg BOr 12 engine with
provision for afterburning and a fully area-ruled fuselage,
had been terminated in June 1957. Both prototypes
subsequently participated in the Etendard IVM
development programme. .
 | A three-view drawing (1680 x 1285) |
MODEL | Etendard VI (second prototype) |
Take-off weight | 5860 kg | 12919 lb |
Empty weight | 3720 kg | 8201 lb |
Wingspan | 8.16 m | 27 ft 9 in |
Length | 12.40 m | 41 ft 8 in |
Wing area | 21.0 m2 | 226.04 sq ft |
Max. speed | 1116 km/h | 693 mph |
e, e-mail, 21.02.2025 17:32 e reply | e, e-mail, 21.02.2025 17:32 e reply |
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