Dassault Etendard IV


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Dassault Etendard IV

Developed in parallel with the Etendard II and VI as a private venture, the Etendard IV light tactical fighter powered by a 3400kg SNECMA Atar 101E-4 was first flown on 24 July 1956. Apart from having substantially more power than the other versions of the basic design, the Etendard IV featured larger overall dimensions, including 1.4m2 more wing area, cabin pressurisation and longer-stroke main undercarriage members with larger wheelbase and track. Furthermore, there was provision for increased internal fuel capacity. From the outset of design, several variants of the Etendard IV were foreseen, including a tandem two-seat conversion trainer, a tactical reconnaissance model and a shipboard multi-role fighter version. It was for the last-mentioned mission that the aircraft attracted Aeronavale attention, Dassault receiving a contract for the further development of the fighter to meet the service's requirements as the Etendard IVM. The armament of the sole prototype Etendard IV comprised two 30mm DEFA cannon.

  Take-off weight7850 kg17306 lb
  Empty weight5060 kg11155 lb
  Wingspan9.04 m30 ft 8 in
  Length13.40 m44 ft 12 in
  Height4.30 m14 ft 1 in
  Wing area25.60 m2275.56 sq ft
  Max. speed1100 km/h684 mph

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