| During 1946, in response to a contract to build two prototypes of a single-seat high-speed fighter to Specification E.41/46, Supermarine combined sweptback wing and tail surfaces with what was essentially an Attacker fuselage to create the Type 510. This retained the Rolls-Royce Nene 2 engine and tailwheel undercarriage of the Attacker, and the first prototype was flown on 29 December 1948. No armament was fitted, but provision was made for four wing-mounted 20mm cannon. The second prototype, designated Type 528, flew in similar configuration on 27 March 1950, and, on 8 November of that year, the Type 510, fitted with an Attacker-style A-frame arrester hook, made a series of landings and take-offs from the carrier HMS Illustrious. Later, the first aircraft (now redesignated Type 517) was fitted with a movable rear fuselage permitting the incidence of the integral tailplane to be varied. Meanwhile, the Type 528 was fitted with an afterburning version of the Nene, a lengthened nose and a tricycle undercarriage as the Type 535, flying in this form for the first time on 23 August 1950, and providing the basis for the development of the Swift.
 | A three-view drawing (1663 x 1153) |
MODEL | Type 510 |
Take-off weight | 5534 kg | 12200 lb |
Wingspan | 9.66 m | 32 ft 8 in |
Length | 11.61 m | 38 ft 1 in |
Height | 2.68 m | 9 ft 10 in |
Wing area | 25.36 m2 | 272.97 sq ft |
Max. speed | 1014 km/h | 630 mph |
grahamclayton, e-mail, 07.05.2023 10:34 Did the 510 share the same undercarriage as the Spitfire? reply | Paul Hannah, e-mail, 05.08.2010 17:07 I have a cutaway drawing of this aircraft, though it looks rather smaller than the photograph. reply | Peter Thorpe, e-mail, 02.10.2009 19:14 Attacker WA 477. I was an apprentioce at South Marston when this aircraft crashed and may be able to add some details to the recovery and cause. reply | Daniel Grimes, e-mail, 13.06.2008 13:14 Robin - the problem with this plane was that the swept wings changed he position of the centre of lift and the centre of gravity did not change much as it was mainly determined by the engine and fuel tanks. The 510 was consequently not very balanced and elevator trim wasn't enough. One of the main changes to VV106 to make it into the 517 was to angle the jet pipe up by 4 degrees to realign the angle of attack of the whole aircraft.
All photos show the tailplane pretty strongly riveted onto the fuselage, so I assume that any changes to the tailplane incidence was achieved by removing and altering the rear fuselage, however with the change in jet pipe angle I'm not sure this was necessary or undertaken. reply |
| Tony, e-mail, 12.05.2008 18:47 am seeking info on the crash of Attacker WA 477 piloted by Sqrn Ldr Robarts. Cause of crash,and what recovery was made reply | robin andrew, e-mail, 06.09.2007 15:30 was the moveable rear fuselarge to vary the tailplane incedence because of the need to get the nose up for carrier landings?, and how was it incorperated because there is no sign of a slot at the tailplane position, cheers Robin reply |
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