Short S.8/8 Rangoon


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Short S.8/8 Rangoon

From the Calcutta Short developed the Rangoon as a long-range reconnaissance type for the RAF. Six were produced and went into service in 1931. These were basically similar to the Calcutta, except that the pilots were accommodated in an enclosed cockpit, in the nose was an open cockpit with Scarff gun-ring and aft of the biplane wings were staggered cockpits for two gunners. Maximum level speed of the Rangoon was 185km/h.

Short S.8/8 Rangoon

Elma, e-mail, 28.03.2024 13:52

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Jason Trevorrow, e-mail, 14.05.2012 22:46

Hi there, great pictures of the Rangoon. My great Uncle Cecil Bolwell was on 203 Sqn and flew down to Basra in a Rangoon in I think 1933, I have loads of photos including a picture of 3 Flying Boats in Sydney, I guess as part of the Centenery flight. Will try an upload soon.


Alf Baker, e-mail, 14.02.2011 20:36

Hi, I to am trying to do the same as you ,ie with regards to Ragoon flying boat
. My father-in-law Warrant officer Les Green was in 203FB Sqdn , loads of photos flying to Melbourne for the centenery Sept 1934. If I can help in anyway dont hesitate to contact me.


stephen hales, e-mail, 20.10.2007 21:04

Hi, I'm researching my Grandfathers photo albums ( he, Arthur George Hales, was a photographer in the RAF c.1919-1945 ).I believe the photo at the top of the page ( superb air to air shot of the Short Rangoon ) was taken by him. There are many others I'm slowly researching and hoping to publish a book.


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