Saunders-Roe A.19 Cloud


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Saunders-Roe A.19 Cloud

The Cloud amphibious flying-boat was produced in two forms: as a civil eight-seater and as a military trainer. In the latter role the RAF received 16 from 1933. The large cabin provided accommodation for eight pupils; six pupils and wireless and electrical equipment, navigation instruments and signalling apparatus; or four.pupils and the above equipment for navigational training. Alternatively, the Cloud could be used for flying training, to simulate the conditions to be met with a larger service type of flying-boat. Power was provided by two 253kW Armstrong Siddeley Double Mongoose engines.

Saunders-Roe A.19 Cloud

 ENGINE2 x Armstrong-Siddeley Serval V, 254kW
  Take-off weight4309 kg9500 lb
  Empty weight3084 kg6799 lb
  Wingspan19.51 m64 ft 0 in
  Length15.28 m50 ft 2 in
  Height5 m16 ft 5 in
  Wing area60.39 m2650.03 sq ft
  Max. speed190 km/h118 mph
  Ceiling4265 m14000 ft
  Range612 km380 miles

Vixyy Fox, e-mail, 07.08.2012 03:36

Dear Sirs,

I am currently writing a story involving this aircraft. May I use the picture of it taking off, and where might I find some detailed information such as a flight manual?

You can find some of my other work on Kindle... just google me.

Thank you for your help.

Vixyy Fox


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