Miles M.68 Boxcar


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Miles M.68 Boxcar

The Miles M.68 Boxcar, flown on 22 August 1947, had four 75kW Blackburn Cirrus Minor II engines and was basically of Aerovan layout, except that the centre section of the fuselage was designed to mount a detachable container 1.37m square and 3.05m long, the idea being that freight containers could be pre-loaded and the aircraft could be flown with or without the container attached.

Barry, 11.04.2016 14:12

"Boxcar" was an unofficial name given to this plane, which was demonstrated at the 1947 S.B.A.C. show which was held at Radlett that year. 1947 was the year that Miles finally succumbed and the assets were taken over by Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. the M.68 like so many other designs was no more.
Span 50'0" Length 36'0"
Maximum Speed 140 mph Cruising speed 130 mph Range with maximum load of 1,600 lb 400 miles


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