Hawker Danecock


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Hawker Danecock

Based on the Woodcock II and designed by Sydney Camm, the Danecock was developed to meet a requirement of the Danish Naval Air Service, or Marine Flyvevaesenets. By comparison with the Woodcock II, the Danecock {Dankok) had unequal span wings, a slightly lengthened fuselage, a 385hp Armstrong Siddeley Jaguar IV engine and an armament of two 7.7mm Madsen machine guns. The first of three Danecocks ordered from the parent company was flown on 15 December 1925, and the licence manufacture of a further 12 was undertaken by the naval dockyard (Orlogsvaerftet) during 1927-28. These served until replaced by Nimrods in the mid-'thirties.

Hawker DanecockA three-view drawing (1290 x 1158)

  Take-off weight1381 kg3045 lb
  Empty weight965 kg2127 lb
  Wingspan9.92 m33 ft 7 in
  Length7.96 m26 ft 1 in
  Wing area31.59 m2340.03 sq ft
  Max. speed233 km/h145 mph
  Cruise speed169 km/h105 mph

Morten Vind, e-mail, 07.04.2014 19:13

There is one Danecock still in existence at the Tojhusmuseum in Copenhagen, Denmark.


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