| Adopting the same philosophy that had
produced the highly successful fourengined
D.H.86B after the D.H.84
Dragon, de Havilland continued the success
of the Dove by designing a
scaled-up version designated de Havilland
D.H.114 Heron. Simplicity and
reliability were the keynotes for the new
aircraft, which provided accommodation
for a crew of two and 14 passengers (17
if no toilet was installed). Fixed tricycle
landing gear eliminated the complications
of a hydraulic system, and excellent
short-field performance was
assured by good wing design coupled
with the use of variable-pitch propellers,
driven by Gipsy Queen 30s which had a
long operating period between overhauls.
The prototype was
flown for the first time on 10 May 1950.
The first production Heron 1 was
acquired by New Zealand National Airways,
this and all subsequent aircraft
having a tailplane with considerable
dihedral. The seventh production
example served as the prototype for the
Heron 2, incorporating retractable landing
gear which gave an increase in speed
and a reduction in fuel consumption.
This proved to be the most popular version,
representing almost 70 per cent of
the 150 Herons built. Despite these relatively
small production figures, the
Heron saw service in 30 countries, some
with major airlines, many as luxury transports
(including four operated by The
Queen's Flight at RAF Benson), and
about 25 of the total were used as communications
aircraft by nine military
In their later years Herons were the
subject of a number of modification programmes,
the Riley Turbo Skyliner
produced by the Riley Turbostream Corporation
in the USA being typical of reengined
aircraft. This replaced the
standard powerplant by 216kW Avco Lycoming IO-540 engines, with or
without turbochargers according to
customer requirements. Far more ambitious
was the conversion carried out by
Saunders Aircraft Corporation of Gimli,
Manitoba. Designated Saunders
ST-27, this had a fuselage lengthened
by 2.59m to provide accommodation
for a maximum of 23 passengers,
the wing rebuilt to incorporate a redesigned
main spar and the four Gipsy
engines replaced by two 559kW Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada
PT6A-34 turboprop engines. A total of 12
ST-27 conversions was completed and
the prototype of an improved ST-28
was built before Saunders went into receivership.
MODEL | Heron 2D |
ENGINE | 4 x de Havilland Gipsy Queen 30-2 inline piston engines, 186kW |
Take-off weight | 6123 kg | 13499 lb |
Empty weight | 3697 kg | 8151 lb |
Wingspan | 21.79 m | 72 ft 6 in |
Length | 14.78 m | 49 ft 6 in |
Height | 4.75 m | 16 ft 7 in |
Wing area | 46.36 m2 | 499.01 sq ft |
Cruise speed | 295 km/h | 183 mph |
Ceiling | 5640 m | 18500 ft |
Range | 1473 km | 915 miles |
 | A three-view drawing (700 x 684) |
KEN KALYNUK, e-mail, 04.11.2020 20:23 I've written a few blog posts on the Saunders ST-27 (Heron conversion) - google search for Saunders Aircraft blog spot on the web.
I have set up at Facebook group on the Saunders ST-27 (Heron conversion) - this reply post will not let me post links to the FB group but search Facebook for Saunders Aircraft Canada
cheers - ken reply | Sven, 08.09.2015 01:07 4 X Gipsy queens = Music. Keep posting dont let the spooks and morons ruin this site. Iv grown to like it. reply | Anders Jacobsen, e-mail, 17.02.2015 14:18 Welcome to Sweden and V�ster�s Flygmuseum (V�ster�s Flying Museum) in 2015 and see (maybe even join for a flight?) the last airworthy DH114 Heron in the world reg. N415SA. reply | kelvin williamson, e-mail, 03.02.2015 01:37 I was the Chief Pilot of Voyageur Airways in the late 80's and had the pleasure of flying the ST-27. There are no ST-27 flying anywhere in the world as far as I know and I had the pleasure of flying C-FCML ST-27 single Pilot YYZ to YSB on June 5th 1990 and my last flight July 13th 1990. There were not many flights of the Saunders after this date if any. reply |
| Ross jamieson, 14.12.2014 04:27 Oops does not seem to give the email . It is jampa@xtra.co.nz
Ross Jamieson reply | Ross jamieson,, e-mail, 14.12.2014 04:24 I have dads log books. Welcome to contact,me at email above, reply | Johnny F. Andresen, e-mail, 04.09.2014 13:11 Only a couple of questions for the DH-114 Heron.
1. Fuel Consumption in USG /Hr? 2. Flap damage speed (Vfe)? 3. Gear damage speed (Vle)?
Johnny F. reply | Mike Willett, e-mail, 24.09.2013 20:51 From 1977 into the 80's I took care of 3 Heron's for Aviation Service (HATS) in Honolulu primarly engine rebuilding. Loved every minute I was there. Great well built aircraft. Engines ran for ever. Aloha, Mike reply | Hans Nielsen, e-mail, 19.09.2013 00:30 Falcks flyvetjeneste(Falck Air) had a DH 114 Heron 2D, OY-AFO, Construction no.;14147 delivered in june 1964. The plane was used for ambulance flights and scheduled flight between Beldringe Airport near Odense and Copenhagen airport Kastrup, the company got 4 more plus 2 DH 104 Dove reply | Thomas J Mackle, e-mail, 24.05.2013 18:57 I flew Herons for Swift Aire Lines out of San Luis Obispo, CA and chalked up over 6,000 hours in type before we moved on to turbo props. One of the six DH 114 aircrafts was Anders Jacobsen's N415SA. I have a plethora of Heron stories but the best one was loosing all four engines after a FBO put jet fuel in our fuel tanks. We survived. Email me if you want to read the whole story. It will put chills down your spine. reply |
Lee Howard, e-mail, 27.02.2013 16:02 I'm currently writing the history of the Dove and Heron and would appreciate contact with any former air or groundcrew with reminicences of their time operating the aircraft. I'd also like to know if anyone knows the whereabouts of the logbooks of RW Jamieson - a New Zealander and former DH demonstration pilot who later returned to NZ. Many thanks in anticipation. reply | Brian Hill, e-mail, 16.07.2012 04:42 I had the privilege to fly the Riley conversion for two years in the mid 1970's. I took my first commercial flying job with Shawnee airlines out of MIA. After a bit more than 1500 hrs I can attest to the greatness of this aircraft. I loved every minute my 6 foot two inch frame was crammed in the ever so small cockpit. I had the pleasure to fly all over the Bahamas and made several flights into Havana Cuba. i was lucky to be selected for the first crew to fly a commercial aircraft from the USA to Cuba when the embargo was lifted . This aircraft was a beautiful flying machine for sure, The low Wing design made for the smoothest landings I have ever seen in any aircraft in my carrier. something about the way it went into ground effect made the transition from air to ground sometimes so smooth passengers could not feel it. LOVE THE HEREON! reply | HAPPY MILES, e-mail, 11.11.2011 05:39 I have 2 herons 1 flying 20 engs. and parts to last a life time reply |
Anders Jacobsen, e-mail, 09.08.2011 22:20 Hello Scott. The DH114 Heron is a lovely airplane to fly, a good performer and has a high useful load. Unfortunately there are not many left flying so getting one can be difficult. As far as I know there are only two airworthy Heron�s worldwide today. N415SA DH114-2x Riley Heron based at V�ster�s Aviation Museum, Sweden and N82D DH114-2D (former Queens Flight) with original Gipsy engines based in Oregon, US. She burns about 60 Gal /hr of 100LL and with todays fuelprices becoming expensive to operate. Spares are almost impossible to get. I would go for a turbine aircraft if you are planning to travel frequently. Best Regards Anders reply |
| Scott McGuire, e-mail, 28.07.2011 00:58 We are looking for an economical operating aircraft to fly regularly from Houston, TX USA to Lima, Peru. I'd appreciate anyone's thoughts on the Heron for this run. reply | Chuck Bell, e-mail, 09.05.2011 04:51 New Years Day 1971 I flew from Dallas Love Field to Wichita Falls /Sheppard AFB, TX in a King Airways Heron. The weather was turbulent and miserable. The sturdy little aircraft felt as though it bounced from cloud to cloud. I was happy for four motors, and a short flight. 40 years later I remember this flight for the unique plane and the way it responded to the task. I chose it over a Texas International Air DC-9, which had delivered me to Dallas on Christmas Eve. reply | John Park, e-mail, 15.12.2010 07:42 We have the original Prototype Heron for sale here at the Aviation Heritage Museum in Bullcreek WA Australia for $20,0000. Need restoring. Is As Where Is. reply | Anders Jacobsen, e-mail, 26.05.2010 23:03 Hello Marcos. The V-speeds in the AFM for the Riley Heron (Lycoming engines) we operate are: V1=70 Kts V2=77 Kts Climb speed one engine out=97 Kts Climb Speed two engines out=90 Kts
Regards Anders Jacobsen reply | Anders Jacobsen, e-mail, 26.05.2010 22:59 Hello. I�m presently one of only two (shortly three) Heron pilots in Sweden. We are currently operating DH114-2X Riley Heron s /n 14064 reg N415SA out of V�ster�s, Sweden. She�s a beauty to fly and to look at (see pictures on the internet searching the reg.no.). Our plan is to operate the a /c for airshows and to fly-ins in Sweden /Scandinavia. Next airshow coming up is in V�ster�s 30th of May 2010.
Regards Anders Jacobsen reply | Marcos De Bonis, e-mail, 11.05.2010 23:42 I would appreciate to receive V-speeds for Heron Continental powered.Because I'm a commercial pilot I cannot imagine flying this beauty w /o them. Thank you in advance M. De Bonis-S�o Paulo-Brazil. reply |
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Hello Tom!
I need your contact details. Reunion coming? I cant find your email or phone !
Jeff Thomas