Flight Invert Cranfield A1


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Flight Invert Cranfield A1

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loupan, 18.06.2011 06:50

I see what pilots liked about open cockpits. Need shorter pilots. No room for a helmet. Maybe the canopy is held down with bungees.


John Craggs, 26.10.2010 21:42

I saw this plane on one of it's early outings - at Compton Abbas airfield if memory serves correctly. I was stunned by the crisp precision and general 'flickiness', for want of a better word, of the four and eight point hesitation rolls. A manoeuvre which, until then, had seemed the province of rugged fully aerobatic biplanes.

A long time ago now but it surprised a lot of people oin the audience that day.



leo rudnicki, e-mail, 25.04.2009 00:24

Now, I see what pilots liked about open cockpits. Need shorter pilots. No room for a helmet. Maybe the canopy is held down with bungees.


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