Dart Kitten


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Dart Kitten

The Pup was followed by the low-wing Kitten, fItted with a 36hp Aeronca-JAP. The Dart Kitten Mk ll was the second aircraft to be built. It differed from the prototype in having a more powerful 36hp Aeronca-JAP J-99 engine, revised decking and a simpler undercarriage.

Cliff Whitwell, e-mail, 27.12.2011 18:37

G-AEXT is now privately owened and based at Breighton [Real Aeroplane Club] and should be seen flying most weekends [weather permiting]. see their web site for more details.


Johan Nykvist, e-mail, 26.03.2008 00:11

I just saw, in the current number of Aeroplane monthly (march 08) a picture of it, taken in august 27th 1939! Photo is taken by a mr. Eddie J. Riding, on Bronxbourne, Herts & Essex Aero Club.
The full model name is Dart Kitten MkII. S /N 123

This plane has acordingly to its age, a very intresting
and long history.
But its still AIRWORTHY!!!
And has a lovley home, at the The Shuttleworth Collection
The aircraft is in excellent condition!!

www.airliners.net /search /photo.search?regsearch=G-AEXT

Please have fun, and contact the Shuttleworth Collection, and fill in on its history!

And I am sure you will know alot more of it!

Johan Nykvist, Sweden


Margaret Lake, e-mail, 17.02.2008 19:41

my father, W.B.Shaw, owned this plane before the second world war and it would be nice to know what ever happened to it although he died aged 95 about 5 years ago


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