Bristol Racer


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Bristol Racer

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Bristol Racer

 ENGINE1 x 510hp Bristol Jupiter
  Wingspan7.67 m25 ft 2 in
  Length6.58 m22 ft 7 in
  Height2.67 m9 ft 9 in
  Max. speed354 km/h220 mph

Bristol RacerA three-view drawing (900 x 414)

Duke Horn, e-mail, 14.02.2012 00:34

W. T. Reid designed this ship in 1921, trying to come up with a "Super Racer" to enter into the Aerial Derby of 1922. The ship proved to be spirally unstable because of oversensitivity of any ailreon input. They were way too big and caused ocillating vibration with minimal input. The ship was then modified with smaller ailerons to race against the French in the 1922 Coupe Deutsch. They were minimized 60% but after 3 more test flights, Factory officials thought it wouldn't have made a competitive showing so the ship was withdrawn from the competition.* (The Speed Seekers by Thomas Foxworth)


Leo Rudnicki, e-mail, 24.05.2009 17:15

A blended wing on an aircraft with a big engine with relaxed stability. GD added a computer and Voila...F-16.


CHOLET, e-mail, 24.05.2009 15:55

Le Bristol type 72 Racer est un appareil de course con�u par la firme britannique en 1922. En avance pour l'�poque l'appareil, r�alis� par l'ing�nieur Wilfrid Thomas Reid, a un fuselage monocoque cylindrique et est muni d'un train d'atterrissage r�tractable. De construction mixte bois et m�tal pour le fuselage, les ailes �tant entoil�es, il est propuls� par un moteur Bristol Jupiter IV de 480 ch.
Pilot� par M. FC Uwins, chef pilote d'essai de la Bristol Aeroplane Co. il a effectu� son premier vol en juin. 1922. Comme tout appareil innovant il a rencontr� de nombreux probl�mes d'instabilit�. Pr�vu pour l'Aerial Derby de la m�me ann�e o� peint en rouge il est immatricul� G-EBRD et porte le n�10, malheureusement il ne peut participer � cette course n'�tant pas pr�t. Face aux difficult�s de mise au point rencontr�es il a �t� abandonn� en 1924 apr�s avoir vol� seulement 8 fois.


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