Airspeed AS.45 Cambridge


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Airspeed AS.45 Cambridge

Prototype tandem two-seat cantilever low-wing monoplane trainer, powered by a 544kW Bristol Mercury VIII engine.

Airspeed AS.45 CambridgeA three-view drawing (700 x 575)

 ENGINE1 x Bristol Mercury VIII, 544kW
  Wingspan12.8 m42 ft 0 in
  Length11 m36 ft 1 in
  Height3.51 m12 ft 6 in
  Wing area26.94 m2289.98 sq ft
  Max. speed381 km/h237 mph
  Ceiling7560 m24800 ft
  Range1100 km684 miles

Barry, 30.05.2013 18:58

For those of us who are a little rusty with their French, I would venture to precise what Cholet has submitted. Essentialy, this plane was developed as a back up to the Harvard should that plane be unable to complete it's task (as if). First flown from Portsmouth on the 19th February 1941 two models were produced T2440 and T2453 and both entered R.A.F. service in July 1942. No further production went ahead, after all I think the Harvard was more than able to complete the task at hand.


ubaTaeCJ, e-mail, 21.02.2025 Barry



CHOLET, e-mail, 30.04.2011 18:17

L'Airspeed AS.45 Cambridge est un projet de biplace d'entra�nement avanc� britannique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui en est rest� au stade du prototype.
Con�u pour r�pondre au programme T.4 /39 du minist�re de l'Air britannique visant � la fourniture �ventuelle d'un avion d'entra�nement avanc� en compl�ment des North American Harvard et Miles Master, le Cambridge se pr�sentait comme un monoplan � aile basse cantilever en bois, fuselage en tubes m�talliques entoil� et poste de pilotage en tandem sous une longue verri�re. Le train d'atterrissage principal se relevait lat�ralement vers l'int�rieur.
Le premier des deux prototypes vole pour la premi�re fois � Portsmouth le 19 f�vrier 1941. Les deux prototypes [T2440 et T2453] furent livr�s au RAE en juillet 1942 et utilis�s pour des essais divers, la production de s�rie n'ayant pas �t� d�cid�e. Source Wikipedia


Ian Blackwolf, e-mail, 25.03.2010 05:47

The only use that came out of this aircraft was was using it to fan flames for fire rescue training.


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