Tipsy (Avions Fairey) Junior


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Tipsy (Avions Fairey) Junior

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

ludo huybrechts, e-mail, 11.11.2011 12:02

The Tipsy Junior was an airplane with in an entirely wooden construction, while the Nipper had a fuselage in steeltube construction. The design of the fuselage looks very similar to the Bebe Jodel, with an open cockpit, with only one seat.Only the rudder had a similar shape as the Nipper.


ludo huybrechts, e-mail, 11.11.2011 11:47

The aeroplane on the picture is definitely not a Tipsy Junior, as the Tipsy Junior is plane that had no nose wheel (=taildragger)and no tapered wings. The Tipsy Junior is also a single pilot plane, fitted with a modified VW engine.


Paul Straub, e-mail, 22.11.2010 22:59

This looks like a Tipsy Nipper to me, but I know nothing about the Tipsy Junior


Leon PESCHE, e-mail, 20.01.2010 20:16

Yes, I know, and I'm fam. related to the son of Mr. Tips, the belgium engineer, who designed it. I flew it in 1963 and flew a looping with it. The engine: a 45hp Boxer VW piston engine. I saw Bernard Neefs,( one of the most skillful Belgium Test Pilots!) Farey test pilot of the F104 performing arobatics, in it at the AIRSHOW in St. Hubert, on the deck. It was fantastic(~1961). For me it is an "ULM" with all aerobatic performances! The forerunner of the Pits Special, but with much less engine power.
Leon Pesche (ret. ALTP +22000 FLTHRS)


Charles, e-mail, 15.05.2009 16:05

Yes, I have a comment : this picture show a genuine Tipsy Nipper en in no way a Tipsy "junior". The author of the article know almost nothing therabout and had lost a good opportunity to shut up.


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