Victa Aircruiser 210

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Victa Aircruiser 210

There is no text information for this aircraft at the moment.

Mark Aronsen, e-mail, 09.01.2013 10:56

This aeroplane was in New Zealand for a while in 1970 I had the priviledge of flying it in Invercargill on the 13th and 15th March of that year an amazing experience delightful performance and enjoyed the forerunner of the CT /4


Maurice Nelmes, e-mail, 26.02.2011 05:09

Henry Millicer desiigned this a /c to meet a demand which was furcast in the UK . he used any draftsman he could con to make the drawings & Gordon Bennet diid the stress calcs.
henry was a Pole & flew against the germans . he was also a keen glider pilot & carried scar round his neck flom getting tangled up in some power lines .
I worked in the design office run by John Peckham in the 70 s was flat out building my house
also worked on Jindivick & was lucky in that John sent me to woomera a couple of times for repair of Jindy wngs.
These wngs where stuck together with Araldite or similare & cooked in an autocliive .


ERIK, e-mail, 10.12.2009 02:11

I am interested in Purchasing / restoring any model VICTA aircraft prefer Australian made any Wooddies still intact?
Will reply ASAP


Kevin, 29.09.2008 06:53

The Aircruiser was further developed to make the CT-4 air force trainer, used by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) and also the Royal Thai Air Rorce (RTAF). The RAAF also used it in the FAC role.
For the Wiki article, /wiki /PAC_CT /4


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