| The first prototype flew on April 22, 1965. 118 built.
 | A three-view drawing (668 x 830) |
MODEL | PL-12U "Airtruck" |
CREW | 1 |
ENGINE | 1 x Teledyne Continental IO-520-D, 224kW |
Take-off weight | 1925 kg | 4244 lb |
Empty weight | 1017 kg | 2242 lb |
Wingspan | 11.98 m | 39 ft 4 in |
Length | 6.35 m | 21 ft 10 in |
Height | 2.79 m | 9 ft 2 in |
Wing area | 24.53 m2 | 264.04 sq ft |
Max. speed | 196 km/h | 122 mph |
Ceiling | 3810 m | 12500 ft |
Greenseaships, 07.06.2024 03:20 From the country that gave us the strangest looking animals came this... reply | TORBJ�RN KAMPE, e-mail, 18.10.2015 22:45 it's not fun to know that the fun aircraft is not built more. Austalien crying out in the wilderness. a cult aircraft should be today too. the sulle be batch to ensure a sonan Masin in air today reply | Dean Curley, e-mail, 11.08.2015 11:52 Laurie Tribe, you might remember my father Malcolm Curley, who also worked at Barr's. I had many a flight in the back of the Airtruk, those were the days. Started building a remote controlled model however never did finish it. No plans just took crap loads of measurements of the old one that was left at Ardmore. reply | Keith, e-mail, 12.06.2015 04:44 I am interested like some of the others here in the US. I would like to see a couple of these restored, or built from scratch and flown here in the US. Any more information would be helpful to help us on our way.
Keith reply |
| Deme Zeljka, e-mail, 15.04.2015 10:03 Dear Cameron for more questions you can contact me on my mail address demezeljka@yahoo.com reply |
CAMERON DUNSFORD, e-mail, 02.04.2015 07:13 Dear Zeljka, could I get some details of the condition of the Serbia PL-12 and the asking price please - I am researching PL-12 values as part of a project I am doing.
Cameron reply | Zeljka, e-mail, 05.12.2014 23:28 Hello we have in Serbia one Airtruck PL-12 for sale.For more information contact me on my email. reply |
Ash, e-mail, 04.12.2014 01:26 What are the odds of finding one or two fore sale. Im US and wold love to restore one reply |
laurie Tribe, e-mail, 18.10.2014 11:32 I worked for Barr Bros. and Flight ENGINEERS WE HAD 5 AIRTRUCKS Transavia had a set of jigs built in NZ and we were building them. I was given fuselage jig and started building fuselages in my own company for transfield,also did major repairs and Tiara engine converson and lycoming engine modification.Even I could fly it was nice to fly empty reply |
Joe Falkenstein, e-mail, 12.08.2014 04:18 There is a possibility that the Airtruck will be offered as a kit home built.Contact Dennis at Airfasco. reply | Barry, 20.06.2014 12:21 Developed from the Bennett (later Waitomo) Airtruck, which in turn was begat by the Kingsford Smith PL7, the Airtruk was designed by Louis Pellarini. When designing the Pratt & Whitney 1340 550hp powered, Bennett Airtruck he used a lot of parts from the North American Harvard but obviously this sorce dried up and so the Transavia aircraft had to start from scratch. There were 122 models produced the last one flying in 1993. For those readers in Europe, an Airtruk (note the spelling, the spelling at the head of this page is incorrect) can be found at the Musee del Aire in Madrid. reply | Brian Richard Allen, e-mail, 08.12.2013 00:21 Operated one on the Darling downs and at North Star, NSW and flew others in Malaysia. Incredible pilot's aeroplane but for a low-level apprehension after one of my mates was killed in one when the nose-wheel structure failed and it turned over on his head. (Vale, Douggie) Never was a better view of the area ahead of the aircraft, especially when spraying. reply |
Paul Crimp, e-mail, 12.08.2012 15:16 This is a great little ag work horse,i flew one in tasmania from june 2008 to june 2010 on spraying and topdressing operations, really glad to have that time in my log book. reply | Ian, e-mail, 06.07.2012 14:37 I remember flying a Tiger moth out of Bankstown in about 1965 and being above this aircraft in the training area and watching it do it's spin tests. A sight to behold,ungainly but very responsive. reply |
| richard david scarborough, e-mail, 22.12.2011 04:23 can anyone help me obtain plans for r /c model of airtruk? reply | wudao, 18.06.2011 12:19 Having operated one of these in New Zealand i found it an outstanding Ag Aircraft and could do very well in one even in todays financial climate reply |
jason, e-mail, 16.03.2011 11:22 my father had two for his ag flying i would love to get some plans to make one in r /c form can some one please help reply | mel, e-mail, 15.03.2011 03:39 A version built by NewZealand Aero Space Industries showed up in Karachi in the 70s on demonstration flights to third world countries. the pilot followed railroad tracks up the length of India until he reached Pakistan. It had space in the rear to carry flag men when applying his dispersents reply | Jerry Nolan, e-mail, 10.02.2011 17:55 Barry Schiff reviewed one in his book "Dream Aircraft" Subtitled "The most fascinating aircraft I have ever flown" Quite a remarkable book and well worth the price. He reviewed about 50 different planes, most of them unusual types. reply | Lance, e-mail, 17.01.2011 01:09 Anybody know if there are any of these for sale? Lance 1.16.11 reply |
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